This week’s wimp would be in serious trouble if he were held to the same standards as college students. Simply put, because plagiarism is a big no-no. The extreme right-wing, outside-Nebraska funded, Americans for Prosperity state director Brad Stevens is taking credit for grassroots work he didn’t do and trying to spin a loss that his campaign was handed last week.
In a Tuesday email to subscribers, Brad took full credit for the Nebraska State Board of Education passing a resolution that condemned unfunded federal mandates. He says, “an unprecedented number of taxpayer advocates contacted the Nebraska State Board of Education.” But he doesn’t say how many or have any news reports to confirm his hard work organizing activists.
We know AFP sent out a comment form via email a few days prior. In fact, a few of us actually used their form to submit comments telling the Board not to pass the resolution. AFP’s goal was to pass a resolution that called for the repeal of health reform. That resolution failed and was replaced with a much more moderate resolution that didn’t even mention health reform. But that’s not acknowledged in the Tuesday’s “Congrats, We Won” email.
AFP and Brad are full of it. Bold Nebraska was at the board meeting at 9 AM with four other advocates and groups to testify with research and written comments on the resolution. We were happy to find out once we got there that the extreme resolution Brad and the AFP wanted was no longer in play — a much more moderate resolution was introduced instead. Translation… Heineman, Brad and the AFP lost.
If half the work is showing up, Brad and his crew already have a failing grade. Brad was NOT at the board meeting nor were any other activists or groups who opposed health reform.
On the flip side, thanks to the work of Bold and outstanding groups who support the health reform law (and moderate board members like Joe Higgins), the Board passed a broader resolution asking for no “unfunded mandates” — which could easily include initiatives like No Child Left Behind (a failed Bush policy). The Board came to a decision that was palatable for all the members and didn’t acquiesce to Heineman’s bullying.
Brad Stevens wrapped up his AFP email with a cute “Thanks for everything you do!” No Brad, THANK YOU for sitting on you laurels and taking credit for work you didn’t do (unless you count a loss as a win). Really, without you something would get done.