A federal and state-based solution is needed that protects all Americans’ property rights beyond fancy talking points from politicians on the campaign trail. A clear process must be laid out for pipelines, since right now each state does it differently adding confusion to a process already rigged for Big Oil and Big Gas. The “public good” for all citizens that eminent domain was founded on is now being used against the public goods of clean air, water, climate and the security of our land — especially those whose livelihoods are dependent on the land — the farmers, ranchers and Tribal Nations.
Key Issues
Bold Nebraska supports solar and wind companies that bring tax revenue, jobs, and annual landowner easement payments to our communities. Nebraska is ranked third in the country for wind energy development potential; with this ability comes an added responsibility to protect property rights and wildlife.
Throughout the Keystone XL fight, Nebraskans spoke up and took action to help stop TransCanada’s proposed tarsands export pipeline. Local activists in communities across the country can use this page as a resource to review the various actions and reports that helped us in Nebraska achieve this historic victory over Big Oil.
Nebraska is an agriculture state — our economy is not powered by oil and gas development — therefore, big fossil fuel energy projects like tarsands pipelines are bad for our land, our water and our economic activity. We do not want to see them built.
Bold’s goal is to hold Corporate Ag responsible and accountable for protecting our land and water, and require them to complete third-party environmental studies on projects that will impact local communities.