Heineman’s been treating Nebraska’s education groups like a bully at recess.  And if our grade school teachers taught us anything, it’s that you have to stand up to bullies.

We’re taking that advice.  The Nebraska Board of Education recently decided to consider a resolution condemning the health care law at their next meeting.  That’s the anithesis of standing up to a bully, and we’ll be saying so at that meeting.

 If you’re frustrated about Heineman’s threats and want the Board of Education to take a stand, check out our event page where you can get details about the meeting and how you can participate.

Details below also:

Thursday, Sept. 2
State Board Room at the Nebraska Department of Education, 301 Centennial Mall South on the 6th floor in Lincoln

You can leave after you give your public comment, public comments will be taken at the start of the meeting.