THANK YOU to all the Pipeline Fighters and Water Protectors who joined us yesterday in Lincoln for the March to Give Keystone XL the Boot!
Over 600 marched with us to send the message that Keystone XL is NOT in the public interest. Read the local coverage about the March in the Lincoln Journal Star, Omaha World-Herald, NET Nebraska, KETV and KOLN.
PHOTOS: Click here to view all the March photos on Facebook.
VIDEO: Watch as the March crosses in front of the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel, where KXL intervenor hearings take place this week.
RALLY: Watch the rally and speakers.
We also have this spectacular drone-captured photo of the human artwork that David Solnit engineered after the March that says, “Yes Solar XL, No KXL,” spelled out on K Street in front of the Nebraska State Capitol and creating a sun out of the Nebraska state seal.
Solar XL: Donate $25 now to put solar in the path of Keystone XL.
After raising funds from Pipeline Fighters across the country, we just completed the first Solar XL project installation on the farm of Jim and Chris Carlson — who turned down $307,000 from TransCanada to put KXL across their land — and instead partnered with us to put solar in the pipeline’s path.
Our next two Solar XL installations are scheduled for Aug. 19th — with the Steskal family and Allpress family — and we’re closing in on our fundraising goal.
MARCH TO GIVE KEYSTONE XL THE BOOT: Lincoln, NE | 8/6/17 (Photos: Alex Matzke)