It’s a new semester, and you’re still wondering how to fill that pesky internship requirement. Our only question is would you rather be in a suit brewing coffee and making copies, or would you rather shake up Nebraska’s political landsape? If the latter sounds good to you, then you’ve got the makings of a Bold intern.
So what exactly would you be doing as a Bold intern? Our interns get to blog, make videos, organize events, and generally rock the political boat. Interns help with the basics like writing the daily Roundup but also help orchestrate major events like Pumpkins Against the Pipeline. They even get arrested in front of the White House.
Have we piqued your interest? Then send a one-page resume and cover letter to
Make sure to tell us why you think you’d be a good fit for us and what being a Bold Nebraskan means to you. If you’ve got samples of your writing, video work or anything else that makes you unique, send that along too!