We are all watching the news and following Twitter to get updates on the tragedy that took place today in Arizona with Rep. Giffords, her staff and other Americans wounded.
The New York Times has coverage of the events as they are unfolding.
CNN Live has web video streaming off all the press conferences and frequently features local news affiliates.
You can follow a few people in Arizona and nationally on Twitter @AZProgress, @EdEspinoza and @Politico.
We are also updating our Facebook page as we hear news.
ACTION: Rep. Giffords’ husband released a statement asking people to give to the food bank in their community. We suggest giving, in Rep. Gifford’s name, to one of Nebraska’s food banks which you can find at Food Bank for the Heartland or the Mid-Nebraska Food Bank.
Nebraska Elected Officials: From the Omaha World Herald, the Nebraska elected officials who have made statements is below. We apprecaiate each of these leaders taking the time to refelct and pray for the huge loss our nation faced today.
“This is a tragic day for our nation. My thoughts and prayers are with the congresswoman, her family and staff, and the other victims. Congress is a family and an attack on any member deeply saddens every member.” –Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb.
“I am shocked and saddened to learn my colleague Gabrielle Giffords and her staff have been the victims of such a terrible act of violence. Members of Congress are like family. An attack on one is an attack on all of us. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by today’s senseless violence. I wish Congresswoman Giffords a speedy and full recovery.” –Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb.
“I am shocked and saddened by the attack against my colleague Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and members of her staff. I join with my fellow Representatives, as well as people throughout Arizona and the rest of our nation, in praying for Congresswoman Giffords, her staff, all those injured, and their families. Let us hope for their survival.” –Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb.
“This was a shock and — like all Americans — I am saddened by this attack on a public servant and her constituents. Gabrielle was a trusted colleague and a patriot who valued service to her country. As law enforcement agencies continue their investigation, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their loved ones during this horrible time.” –Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb.
We want to leave you with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”