In great news for local Omaha, Nebraska independent filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette, their documentary on urban agriculture in America, entitled Growing Cities, has been accepted to broadcast nationally on the Public Broadcasting System.

The catch is that all the funding for the broadcast has to be raised by the filmmakers.  To do this, Dan and Andrew have started a Kickstarter campaign to raise $30,000 by July 9th.  But they need your help, and fast.  Please check out the film website, the Kickstarter page, and the Facebook page to learn more, and dig deep to help get this inspiring, Nebraska-made film in front of a national audience.

Growing Cities Information can be found at:

Growing Cities website:  Check it out and stay updated on the film’s progress!

Growing Cities Kickstarter Campaign:  Donate to help the film be on PBS and receive great donor prizes!

Growing Cities Facebook page:  Like and share with your friends and family to spread the word about this amazing Nebraska-made documentary!

Growing Cities video: Check out this video promo for the film’s Kickstarter campaign.