Category: News


Bold Nebraska
We are in tears laughing at the latest NEGOP campaign emails. The Nebraska GOP are already asking for money to take down Nelson in 2012.  In case you didn’t see the date on their email, it’s stamped March 22, 2010.  Well for a group with such warped concepts on everything from gay marriage to financial […]
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Heineman Shows Jersey Shore Some Love

Bold Nebraska
You wouldn’t know it from his pasty, rosacea complexion, but Governor Dave Heineman supports tanning salons.  Dave joined owners and employees from the tanning industry this morning to protest the implementation of the tanning tax in the new health care law (even though the rally speakers kept referring to it still as a bill, it […]
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EXCLUSIVE: Is Sally Ganem Our New BFF?

Bold Nebraska
Sally Ganem refuses to discuss her vote regarding Fremont Ordinance 5165, the infamous immigration ordinance. But Bold can now confirm that the first lady of Nebraska DID cast a ballot during the special election.  According to the Dodge County Clerk, Fred Mytty, Sally did vote in person at her polling precinct.  It’s interesting to note that […]
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What does Wall Street Reform do and mean?

Bold Nebraska
The Wall Street reform legislation is victory for Nebraskans and a defeat for lobbyists who tried (but failed) to block this historic reform…  Wall Street Reform is not 100% passed yet…but getting close. So here is some info you need to know to be in “the know.”  Good links to read more: Wall Street reform’s […]
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Holy Hyperlinks, Johanns!

Bold Nebraska
Hyperlinks are perhaps the greatest internet-invention ever. With hyperlinks, we don’t have to cite sources in posts, we can just hyperlink to them and you the reader can double check our research.  But with the great power of hyperlinks comes great responsibility. And Senator Johanns is no Bruce Wayne.  In his latest email to constituents, […]
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Scott Voorhees has Something on his Shoe

Bold Nebraska
Sometimes Scott Voorhees really steps in it. We mean, totally and epically STEPS. IN. IT.  Well Scott shocked us this morning when he compared illegal immigrants to termites and disease.  During his morning radio show on 1110 KFAB, Voorhees compared identifying illegal immigrants to searching an apartment for termites. He then said when it comes […]
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Fremont Fallout

Bold Nebraska
The final tally from Fremont’s special election for Ordinance 5165 was 3,906 in favor and 2,908 against. On Monday, the infamous immigration ordinance passed.  For 12 hours, Fremont voters cast their ballots at 20 precinct polling locations. Another 476 votes were cast by absentee ballot.  The morning was characterized by overcast skies, light voter traffic, […]
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Wimps. Heineman. Janssen. Kobach.

Bold Nebraska
If Heineman-Janssen-Kobach were strong, if they were bold, they would be at the doorsteps of our Nebraska federal delegation and demand they lead on comprehensive immigration reform. Instead, they are telling us what they just helped pass in Fremont is good immigration policy. Just like they told us denying kids access to college is good […]
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