Category: News

Hit the Brakes!

Bold Nebraska
State Attorney General Jon Bruning is giving us a severe case of conservative whiplash.  The last time we did a double take this fast was when John McCain said he wasn’t a maverick.  Bruning is now backing away from LB 594 when just last week he was trumpeting the law. LB 594 requires mental health […]
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Senator Nelson Convention Speech

Bold Nebraska
Senator Ben Nelson gave a rousing speech at the Nebraska Democratic Party’s state convention this last Sunday.  Nelson encouraged Democrats to stick together so they can fight the “party of NO.”  He lauded the successes of passing the stimulus bill, health care reform, and financial reform.  His message that Democrats are investing in America was […]
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Weekend Playlist

Bold Nebraska
As everyone gets ready for the weekend and in honor of Minority Leader John Boehner’s big beach bash last night which spurred the whole Rep. Terry drama with the lady lobbyist, we asked around for some appropriate tunage.  So here you go and enjoy the weekend. Lobbyist Loving Lee Terry’s Weekend Playlist (go buy it […]
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Which one Doesn't Belong?

Bold Nebraska
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong:Scott Brown, Mitch McConnell, Mike Johanns, Lee Terry, Mark Fahleson We’d argue that Senator Scott Brown sticks out like a sore thumb in this mix, and it’s not just because he’s arguably the best looking of the bunch. The Nebraska […]
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Nebraska's Hangover

Bold Nebraska
“Why did you get me so drunk?” Not usually the conversation one hopes to hear between a congressman and a lobbyist.  But Rep. Lee Terry certainly likes to set the bar low (do we need to repeat that the only thing he’s done in DC is renaming a post office?). Apparently the New York Post […]
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Thanks for Watching the Pipeline Summit

Bold Nebraska
Thank you to everyone who attended the pipeline summit and watched online.  We will post the entire summit online next week in case you missed the summit or want to watch it again. There’s still plenty of time to take action! We have yard signs, bumper stickers and tshirts to show your opposition the pipeline. […]
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Wind for Sale

Nebraskans have a long history with wind energy development.  As pioneers, many farmers and ranchers tapped into Nebraska’s high wind potential by capturing the wind with small chargers for energy purposes.  Other farmers, such as my own family, put up windmills to help pump water for livestock, drinking, and even laundry.   Because the State Legisature passed LB […]
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. "Hyde"eman

Bold Nebraska
When it comes to state aid for education, Dave Heineman can’t seem to agree with Dave Heineman. The Lincoln Journal Star recently revealed the governor’s Jekyll and Hyde problem. During last year’s special legislative session, the governor suggested cutting state aid for education. But when his new gubernatorial opponent Mike Meister recently suggested that he […]
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Fahleson Tries to Protect Heineman

Bold Nebraska
Mark Fahleson, the Nebraska Republican Party Chair, does his best to defend Governor Heineman in today’s Omaha World-Herald. It is his job as the party Chair to do as much, so I give it up to Fahleson for giving it a good college try. Fahleson is responding to several articles, including one from Richard Fellman, […]
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What do Tort Reform and Abortion have in Common?

Bold Nebraska
Omaha lawyer Patrick Runge answers that question and sheds even more light on the debate over Nebraska’s restrictive abortion bill in his Alternet post “Nebraska’s Abortion Notification Bill is Stillborn.” Nebraska’s LB 594 created a list of procedures and screenings that doctors providing abortions in the state must comply with. The bill also sets up […]
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