Do you want to learn how to organize your peers around an issue you care about? Have you ever wondered how exactly you get your message out?
Then come to the Progressive Student Coalition Conference this Saturday and Sunday.
I will give the keynote address on Saturday at 10am talking about the power of young people and the power of one.
Bold Nebraska will also be registering folks to vote, collecting “I Pledge to Vote” cards and handing out information on the new health law and the TransCanda pipeline.
The conference is FREE and open to anyone interested in attending (it is not limited to Nebraska residents nor students).
The conference will begin at 9:30am on Saturday and Sunday and includes a series of workshop sessions throughout the day. The event will end by 6pm Saturday, 5pm on Sunday. Lunch and a light snack will be provided on Saturday, breakfast and lunch will be provided on Sunday.
Workshops included:
- Grassroots Organizing
- Power Session
- Strategic Planning
- Leadership Development
- Messaging
- Grassroots Lobbying