Author: Bold Nebraska

Sen Ben Nelson Statement on Wall Street Reform

Bold Nebraska
Wall Street reform passed the Senate today, 60-39. Nebraska’s own Senator Ben Nelson voted for reform and protecting Main Street America from predatory practices that caused the financial collapse of 2008. We look forward to a financial system that has better consumer protections and sheds light on $600 trillion derivatives market. We’ll let Senator Nelson […]
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Farmers Support Wall Street Reform

Bold Nebraska
The conservative Wall Street Journal ran a one-sided article on farmers and derivatives that is full of half truths.  While there is no question farmers and ranchers use the commodity market to thrive, what they need is a stable market.  The current commodity market could hardly be called stable–mostly because of deregulation, but conservatives don’t like […]
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Wednesday Wimp

Bold Nebraska
We know the middle of the workweek can be a drag (is it the weekend YET?).  Well we refuse to let hump-day get us down.  As part of our mission to promote bold politics and politicians, Bold Nebraska will call out our wimp of the week every Wednesday, henceforth to be known as “Wimp Wednesday.” […]
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Breaking: Nelson Voting For Wall Street Reform

Bold Nebraska
Bold Nebraska learned that Senator Nelson will vote YES on the Wall Street Reform bill which may be headed to a vote in the US Senate as early as Friday. Nelson joins Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill who are standing up to Wall Street and demanding strong regulations that ensure consumers and small businesses […]
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Hello and Welcome to a Very BOLD New Site

Bold Nebraska
We believe politics matter… President Abraham Lincoln, a progressive Republican, signed into law the Homestead Act in 1862 opening the door to home ownership and marking a clear role for good government.  Daniel Freeman, was the first American to apply for land under the act.  Freeman was politically active and engaged in the developing public school […]
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Mrs. Terry Holding Her Own

Bold Nebraska
Nebraska Watchdog reported on the very silly press release that “All Talk” Terry sent out stating Bold Nebraska was stalking his wife and kids.  Well, here is the video…and btw, there were no kids (except the Jershy Shore tanning-bed kids). You be the judge… 
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"All Talk" Lee Terry

Bold Nebraska
At the tea party rally in Omaha on July 3rd, staff for Terry’s campaign stood in front of our camera with “Lee Terry for Congress” signs. Turns out books aren’t the only thing “All Talk” Terry wants to ban…  “All Talk” Terry pontificated about the founding fathers, taxes, liberty, and the voice of the people. He literally […]
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Where Did All the Repub Protestors Go?

Bold Nebraska
Mark Fahleson, Chair of the NE Repub Party, for months bragged about protesting the statue dedication of Senator Nelson. So, we went to McCook thinking we could interview him and protestors. We found none… So we decided to interview Nelson instead. I guess Fahleson leads by example, just like Lee Terry, he is all talk, […]
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Bold Nebraska
We are in tears laughing at the latest NEGOP campaign emails. The Nebraska GOP are already asking for money to take down Nelson in 2012.  In case you didn’t see the date on their email, it’s stamped March 22, 2010.  Well for a group with such warped concepts on everything from gay marriage to financial […]
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