Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska, 402-705-3622,
Pipeline Fighters to Greet EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s “Secret” Visit to Nebraska on Thursday
Despite denial from Governor Ricketts’ office, Pruitt expected to meet with Dept. of Environmental Quality’s Jim Macy, also possibly Ricketts
Lincoln — A group of Pipeline Fighters will greet EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt during a “secret” visit to Nebraska on Thursday, where he is expected to meet with Jim Macy, head of Nebraska’s Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and possibly with Gov. Ricketts as well.
The Governor’s office refused to confirm any meeting with Pruitt, and referred inquiries to the Governor’s schedule on the state’s website — which lists no scheduled meeting with Pruitt.
WHAT: Pipeline Fighters Greet EPA’s Scott Pruitt’s “Secret” Visit to Nebraska
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 24, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Nebraska Dept. of Environmental Quality, 1200 N St #400, Lincoln, NE 68509
With the head of the EPA possibly coming to town — who has been working overtime to rollback environmental protections and undo critical protections for our national parks — citizens want to know the reason for Pruitt’s visit.
“Nebraskans should not be kept in the dark while our state representatives hold secret meetings with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who is actively working to rollback environmental protections for our land and water across the country right now,” said Bold Nebraska organizer Jason Valandra. “Is Scott Pruitt coming to town to discuss the proposed Keystone XL pipeline with Gov. Ricketts and the DEQ behind closed doors — or to scheme some other rollback of Nebraska’s environmental protections? Nebraskans deserve to be informed and to participate in discussions that affect our land, water and climate.”
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