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On Friday, Sept. 5, the Nebraska Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Thompson v. Heineman, the lawsuit brought by three Nebraska landowners against Gov. Heineman over his abuse of power on eminent domain and pipeline siting. (Pictured above: Landowners Susan Dunavan, Randy Thompson, and Suz Straka. Photo by J Grace Young.)
Pipeline Fighters in an overflow viewing room at the State Capitol watch intently as landowners’ attorney Dave Domina makes arguments in Thompson v. Heineman on Sept. 5, 2014. (Photo by Mark Hefflinger / Bold Nebraska)
Click here to view more photos from the hearing.
Click here to view more photos from the Concert Rally at Vega.
Jane Kleeb and landowner plaintiff Randy Thompson appear on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show:”
Omaha’s KMTV reports from the Nebraska Supreme Court hearing:
Siouxland’s KCAU-ABC9 report is below, and features footage from the overflow courtroom overflowing with Pipeline Fighters, and some familiar faces at the press conference in the rotunda.
KHAS-TV (Hastings, NE):
NPR “Morning Edition” radio story on Thompson v. Heineman:
Bold Nebraska’s Jane Kleeb speaks with WNAX Radio 570 AM: