Activists in Michigan are planning a march and overnight sit-in on Sunday at the enormous mountain of tarsands petcoke byproduct piled up along the Detroit River. (Details cross-posted from Detroit Coalition Against Tar Sands)
Have you seen the newest and most unwelcome tourist attraction along the Detroit river? Three-story high petcoke mountains from captains of industry and climate change, the ironically named Koch brothers, now sit on Detroit’s riverfront. Initially an uncontested eyesore and chemical hazard appearing in March of 2013, the petcoke mountains have since become a rallying point for local community members and organizations who are calling out this dumping on Detroit for what it is; the corporate influence over democracy, environmental racism, and the essence of what is wrong with our dirty and destructive energy and out-of-touch economics system that puts profit and power before people and planet. It is up to us to reclaim our right to clean air and water.
For Detroit’s children who are hospitalized because of asthma 3-4 times more than Michigan’s average- For the Great Lakes whose water’s are threatened by the toxic waste and spills from petcoke, fracking, and tar sands- Rally and march with us
For all life on this planet threatened by catastrophic climate change- share this with your friends, family, and network in any and every way you can:
Phone calls to friends, block clubs, local newspapers
Share our flyers (see attached) with your neighbors, community, and local businesses
Send a letter to the editor, email folks, help us reblog this announcement
like our posts on Facebook (EMEAC-East Michigan Environmental Action Council, DCATS-Detroit Coalition Against Tar Sands), share them, post them to your groups
Tweet and help us create a Twitter storm with the Hash Tags: #NoPetcoke, #StopPetcoke, #DetPetCoke,
Use Tublr, LinkedIn, Reddit, Stumbleupon, and all other social media networks to help us mobilize and challenge corporations that are using Detroit as their dumping ground