We’ve officially filed a complaint with the FEC about Bruning and Heineman taking money from TransCanada. Here’s the memo we emailed:
Today Bold Nebraska filed an official complaint, in accordance with the Federal Election Commission’s rules, against TransCanada Corporation, a Canadian corporation, for making contributions in connection with two state elections as well as a complaint against Jon Bruning for Attorney General and the Governor Heineman Committee for accepting campaign contributions from a foreign national.
“The donations from TransCanada, a foreign company, are highly questionable,” said Jane Kleeb, Editor of Bold Nebraska. “We believe the donations to Heineman and Bruning are the tip of the iceberg and that TransCanada and elected officials who have taken their money will be required to answer for their actions.”
It is up to the FEC to determine the next steps, however with the facts laid out we are confident the complaint is warranted and look forward to the findings of the FEC.