Author: Bold Nebraska

Help Fill a Backpack for Kids

Bold Nebraska
August 14 and August 15 Children entering kindergarten through 12th grades can pick up a new backpack and school supplies at the Tools for Education event 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, and 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 15, at the Center for People in Need, 3901 N. 27th St. Unit 1, Door 3. Please […]
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Beef Up Safety

Bold Nebraska
Nebraska is number one in the country for production of commercial red meat and number two when it comes to commercial cattle slaughter.  This and the following information was gathered from various agriculture resources and noted in a major meatpacking safety report by Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest.  The report was […]
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Wimp Wednesday

Bold Nebraska
Vivianne Chaumont is costing Nebraskans $70 million in Medicaid assistance.  That’s right, Nebraska’s DHHS Director of Medicaid and Long-Term care is costing the state money. Nebraska is eligible to receive $69 million thanks to recent FMAP funding legislation (that only Senator Nelson voted yes on, the rest of the delegation turned their backs on Nebraskans). […]
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What Will Dave Do?

Bold Nebraska
Dave Heineman and health care reform hardly seem like bosom buddies.  But the Governor is going to be getting awfully cozy with the topic as a new Medicaid guidance is handed down and health care reform inches forward towards full implementation in 2014. Dave’s first awkward encounter is with the increased family planning (aka more […]
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Terry Follows in Johanns’ Footsteps

Bold Nebraska
With no thanks to Lee Terry, Nebraska can now receive some $138 million in federal Medicaid and education funding — saving more than 1,000 education jobs in the state. The US House of Representatives was recalled to Washington to approve a Senate bill that will nationally save 140,000 teachers’ jobs and the jobs of tens […]
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Heineman: I Was For It Before I Was Against It

Bold Nebraska
In news reports today, Governor Dave Heineman says he is considering turning back $1.28 million in federal funds to help pay for the state’s education costs.  This possible rejection of money comes after last week’s announcement that Heineman wasn’t sure if he would apply for the $1 million to plan for the health insurance exchanges. […]
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August Townhalls, Can You Help?

Bold Nebraska
August is a time for our elected officials to return from Washington, DC and talk with citizens about critical issues facing our state and nation. Bold Nebraska is blogging about the townhalls all throughout August and we need your help!  Can you attend a townhall? Last year, the August Recess Townhalls were focused on health […]
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TransCanada Pulls Waiver Request

Bold Nebraska
Plains Justice is spreading the word that TransCanada has pulled its request for a special waiver that would allow them to pump oil at a dangerously high pressure.  We sent the following news release to local press earlier today: Bold Nebraska applauds TransCanada’s decision to pull their special waiver request for running their proposed pipeline […]
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Bold Roundup

Bold Nebraska
It’s an early Roundup today because the Bold staff is off to build a playground in Hastings.  Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook feeds for pictures.  Here’s the essential news for your morning.  That’s Justice Elena Kagan to you: Voting mostly along party lines, the Senate confirmed Elena Kagan’s ascension to the Supreme […]
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August Townhalls, Bold Needs You

Bold Nebraska
August is a time for our elected officials to return from Washington, DC and talk with citizens about critical issues facing our state and nation. Bold Nebraska is blogging about the Townhalls all throughout August and we need your help! Last year, the August Recess Townhalls were focused on health reform.  And, if you were […]
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