Plains Justice is spreading the word that TransCanada has pulled its request for a special waiver that would allow them to pump oil at a dangerously high pressure.
We sent the following news release to local press earlier today:
Bold Nebraska applauds TransCanada’s decision to pull their special waiver request for running their proposed pipeline at higher than normal pressure. With all the questions around the current pipeline’s quality of steel, we think this was a step in the right direction. The special waiver request was reckless, and Bold Nebraska is confident that TransCanada will continue to look at the safety of this proposed pipeline project
Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska: “While we are thrilled TransCanada backed away from a reckless request to run the proposed pipeline at dangerously high pressure, we still have major concerns with the overall project. TransCanada and the Governor’s office have not released the Emergency Response Plan for the current pipeline already in the ground. We encourage both TransCanada and Governor Heineman to be more transparent with the Emergency Response Plan.”
Ken Winston, Sierra Club: “We appreciate the fact that TransCanada no longer plans to operate the proposed pipeline at higher pressures. This does not change the fact that this proposal is a bad idea from start to finish. It begins with the environmentally devastating process of strip mining boreal forests in Canada to get the oil from the tar sands, and continues with a proposed route that has the potential to seriously damage ecological treasures such as the Niobrara River and the Ogallala aquifer. Compounding the issues surrounding the proposed pipeline is the lack of oversight of the project and lack of details about how the public can be protected in the event of a spill. The public and policy makers on all levels need answers to serious questions about this project before it goes any further.”
Additionally, we hope that Governor Heineman is requesting that relevant state agencies weigh in on the proposed pipeline with the State Department since they announced all state agencies have an additional 90 days to submit comments. BoldNebraska will continue to engage Nebraskans on this critical issue and raise questions with elected Officials.
More info on quality of steel with Current Pipeline can be found on the Plains Justice blog.