Archived actions

SIGN: Shut TransCanada’s Keystone Down & Investigate Pipeline Integrity

The recent 17,000-gallon tarsands spill from TransCanada's Keystone pipeline in South Dakota — which has now experienced more than 30 leaks in its lifetime of only six years — shows the clear need to shut it down for an immediate review of the entire length of the pipeline's integrity, especially at the other "transition welds" that have now proven to be faulty and prone to leaks.
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PETITION: Tell Nebraska AG Doug Peterson—Investigate Exxon’s Climate Fraud

Tell Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson: We demand a Nebraska state investigation into Exxon's climate fraud. A group of 17 State Attorneys General just announced a multi-state effort to "explore working together on key climate change-related initiatives, such as ongoing and potential investigations into whether fossil fuel companies misled investors and the public on the impact of climate change on their businesses." New York, California, Massachusetts, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have now launched investigations into whether Exxon intentionally misled the public for decades about the harmful impacts of climate change and burning fossil fuels. Exxon must be held accountable—we demand that Nebraska Atty. General Doug Peterson launch an investigation now.

PETITION: Tell Ben Sasse & Deb Fischer—Do Your Job!

Tell Nebraska's Senators Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer: Our courts matter — we deserve a full bench on the Supreme Court. We support President Obama's highly respected nominee Merrick Garland for Supreme Court justice. The President has fulfilled his constitutional duty, now it is time for Senators Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse to do theirs. Hold a fair hearing, and then give the President's nominee an "up or down" vote.

PETITION: Stand With Family Farmers, Not Corporate Pigs

The bill (LB 176) that would allow foreign corporations — like the Chinese-owned meatpacking company Smithfield — to own pork in Nebraska has already been approved on a first vote in the Legislature, and the second and final vote could come as early as this week. This corporate-friendly bill would put family farmers out of business. If the meatpackers own our livestock, corporate-raised pork will dominate our grocery store shelves. This means less care for the animal, more water pollution, and lower-quality food. LB 176 also gives the vertically-integrated corporate “factory farming” system more economic power over Nebraska’s family farmers. We must send our Senators a strong message that we want to see family farmers and our water protected.

SIGN: I support refugees making Nebraska home

Nebraskans are genuinely welcoming people, and we have the means — not to mention a moral obligation — to open our door to families like Shams', who are facing devastation in the Middle East and a stark choice to flee or else die amid the chaos. Stand with us to demand that Gov. Ricketts and Nebraska's representatives in Congress support the admittance of refugees from Syria to Nebraska, so that our great state can continue its tradition of welcoming all to share in "The Good Life," like Shams did.


Instead of siding with Big Oil, the President chose to stand with farmers, ranchers, tribes and Pipeline Fighters everywhere working to protect our land, water and climate for our grandchildren. Co-sign our #NOKXL THANK YOU letter to President Obama. The letter begins: "Mr. President, families from all across America thank you for protecting our land and water by rejecting the risky Keystone XL tar sands pipeline...

Send a #NOKXL Pen to Pres. Obama

President Obama can end all this uncertainty right now with the stroke of a pen — and reject Keystone XL outright. Make a $4 donation and we'll send a #NOKXL pen in your name to the White House. Inscribed on the eco-friendly pen is a simple message with a powerful meaning: "President Obama, This Machine Stops Pipelines. #NOKXL" Keystone XL is a major threat to our land, water and climate via any route, and Pres. Obama has all the information he needs to reject the pipeline today.

Tell Gov. Ricketts: Support the Clean Power Plan

We do not want our taxpayer dollars used by Gov. Ricketts and Attorney General Peterson to mount another wrong-headed legal challenge to the Clean Power Plan — a flexible, common-sense plan that will cut carbon pollution and clean up our land, air and water. We demand that the Governor and Attorney General stop fighting for Big Oil and Wyoming coal at the expense of the health of Nebraskans and our land and water.

SIGN: I support more clean wind energy in Nebraska

Nebraskans have an historic chance to create hundreds of new jobs, a new local source of clean energy, and generate $10 million in local revenue over the next two decades, with the Hallam Wind Project in southeast Nebraska. But Lancaster County is proposing new restrictions on wind turbines that would effectively kill the Hallam Wind Project — or any other wind farm developments in the county, according to the Lincoln Journal Star.

SIGN: Don’t frack our water

An out-of-state oil company with a questionable track record wants to export its toxic fracking wastewater into Nebraska, moving 80 truckloads carrying 10,000 barrels per day of pollution destinted to be dumped into a disposal well in Sioux County — transfering all the risk onto Nebraska farmers and ranchers, and threatening the Ogallala aquifer forever.