On July 25th, to mark the two-year anniversary of a toxic tarsands spill in the Kalamazoo River, folks from across the country will host actions and press events to bring attention to the risks of tarsands on our water, land and families health. You can participate by taking a photo of your favorite body of water or water that the pipeline crosses.
In Nebraska, we are asking folks to take photos of a water crossing or your favorite body of water. This could be a major river, a small creek or stream, an aquifer-fed pond, whatever you feel is your “source” of water that would be crossed/risked by the Keystone XL.
When: Now-July 25th
Where: Your favorite body of water
Why: We will use these photos for a press event we will hold on July 25th, so please email your photo by July 20th
How: Send your photo to info@boldnebraska.org or post on FB page and you can always call Ben with questions 402-705-8679
Water crossings (listed from North to South on the proposed route) in Nebraska that are at-risk with TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline:
Keya Paha County
Keya Paha River
Spring Creek
Niobrara River
Holt County
Otter Creek
Beaver Creek
Big Sandy Creek
West branch of Brush Creek
North Branch Eagle Creek
Middle Branch Eagle Creek
East Branch Eagle Creek
Blackbird Creek
Redbird Creek
South Branch Verdigre Creek
Antelope County
Big Spring Creek
Elkhorn River
Shell Creek
Beaver Creek
Grove Lake
Nance County
Plum Creek
Loup River
Merrick County
Prairie Creek
Silver Creek
Platte River
Big Blue
West Fork Big Blue
Little Blue
Ogallala Aquifer
Families’ private wells