We compiled a list of “to-dos” for you to take action on all summer long to help stop the TransCanada tarsands pipeline. We also post events happening in these hot months on our Event Page.
In the fall we will post a new list! And in the winter we will post another new list! You get the point, we will never surrender to TransCanada like Gov. Heineman and too many politicians to name here have already.
We will continue to protect property rights, water, health and the safety of our communities from toxic tarsands. We simply will not risk our land and water so TransCanada can get their risky product to the export market.
One item you could write about is no one knows what the exact chemicals or contents of the pipeline will be since TransCanada has refused to disclose the MSDS sheets to landowners and the public. This is a major concern for first responders, citizens, health providers and the general safety of our communities. Why won’t they tell us? What are they hiding? Same thing goes for the exact money TransCanada will pay in taxes.
When you complete all 10 of the “summer to-dos,” we will send you a “Stand with Randy” t-shirt or a “Keep Our Water Blue” t-shirt, just email info@boldnebraska.org when you complete your list.
Before you get started on your list you might need some background, so we compiled some good “summer reading” for you!
You can support these efforts with a donation to Bold. Currently we are helping fund the legal case against the unconstitutional pipeline law in our state and want to put up more creative ads featuring landowners and citizens. You can donate online or send a check to Bold Nebraska, 208 S. Burlington Ave., Ste 103, Box 325Hastings, NE 68901.
Summer Reading List
Landowner Rights: folks do not have to allow TransCanada on their land, the terms in the contracts are misleading at best
Pipeline Overview: basic info on TransCanada and tarsands
Tarsands (Dilbit) 101: tarsands is more toxic, uses more energy to produce and is more difficult to cleanup than traditional crude oil
Keystone XL Primer: overview of pipeline and tarsands mining
Studies and Reports: safety risks, worst-case scenario spill report, pipeline built for export market and more
Fact Sheets: one pagers you can print and email to your friends
Letters: state senators ask for more studies and letters from elected officials
Videos: watch Nebraskans stand up to TransCanada and watch a 3-minute video on tarsands
Pictures: folks from across Nebraska stand up and fight for our state
Summer To-Do List
1) Put Up a Yard Sign: pick up a yard sign and show your solidarity with fellow Nebraskans who want to stop the pipeline
2) Spread the Word to Landowners: post this document at the local coffee shop or email the “landowners rights” page and the NEAT website to folks you know along the proposed pipeline route
3) Help Fund the Citizen Lawsuit and Ads Featuring Landowners and Citizens: a legal challenge to LB 1161 and putting up more ads and bulletin boards will help us keep Nebraskans informed and fired up to stop the pipeline, donate today
4) Submit Comments to the DEQ Process: while we hope the DEQ process becomes null and void because of the legal challenge, it is still very critical you weigh in on the process by submitting a comment, demand to see the full list of chemicals in TransCanada’s proposed pipeline
5) Write Letters to Elected Officials: we give some examples of letters, tips and all the contact info you need, write at least 3 letters to check this off your list
6) Get 10 Friends to Sign this Petition: thousands of Nebraskans have weighed in on the pipeline and its critical to continue showing elected officials we continue to have major concerns regarding this tarsands pipeline
7) Attend Summer Events: on July 25th, to mark the two-year anniversary of a toxic tarsands spill in the Kalamazoo River, folks from across the country will host actions and press events to bring attention to the risks of tarsands on our water, land and families health. We are asking Nebraskans to join us for a press event and to send pictures to info@boldnebraska.org of you and your friends and family by a water crossing holding a “Keep Our Water Blue and Tarsands Free” handmade (or yard) sign. Please send your picture by July 20th. Call Ben with questions 402-705-8679. An August event will be posted soon also, you can also check our Event Page for current events.
8) Write a Letter to the Editor: letters to your local paper are very powerful tools since many elected officials read the LTEs as well as fellow citizens, we give a few examples and some tips
9) Submit Comments to the PSC Process: even though the PSC is not yet overseeing the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline route process for our state, if the lawsuit is successful, they will be in charge so giving comments now on their process is critical
10) Watch Pipe Dreams and Raise Money for Bold: hold a BBQ with your friends and watch the documentary Pipe Dreams, ask folks to donate to help keep the pressure on to stop the pipeline, you can buy the video online (or you could host a table at the local farmers market, showing Pipe Dreams on your laptop and have a “tarsands free bake sale”)