Bold Nebraska director Jane Kleeb appeared on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” on Thursday, Feb. 6 to debate the Keystone XL pipeline with Schultz, who has taken heat for recently coming out in favor of the pipeline. In the lead-up to Jane’s appearance, Ed shows a multitude of clips of oil rail car accidents in what he terms his all-out push for “safety,” but made no mention or display of the multitide of pipeline spills, from Tioga, N.D. to Mayflower, Ark. to the Kalamazaoo River in Michigan — where 3 years and $1 billion+ later they are still trying to cleanup tarsands out of the riverbed. The full segment is embedded below.
MSNBC host Ed Schultz is taking serious heat after recently coming out in favor of the risky Keystone XL tarsands export pipeline on his “The Ed Show.” Wednesday on his show, Schultz cynically argued that we’re not going to end our addiction to oil anytime soon, so we might as well build this pipeline because of rail vs. pipeline safety. Schultz citied just a few data from the new State Dept. environmental report and conversations with “Canadian officials” for his support of a nominally-less-polluting transport solution for the Big Oil industry that the U.S. must support — even if that means a foreign company running a risky tarsands pipeline through great sections of our clean water supply, just so they can export it overseas to China and Europe for profit — which does nothing for U.S. energy independence.
Schultz’s guests, founder Joe Romm and Josh Fox, director of the anti-fracking documentary “Gasland,” made a moral argument against building the pipeline, saying it is the linchpin for unlocking the dirty tarsands and would push us towards catastrophic climate change that would endanger our children and generations to come. The full segment from Wednesday’s discussion is below.