[Read more about the AltEn ethanol plant and pollution of water around Mead, Nebraska.]
We asked several scientists from the local universities, and believe the heavier-duty carbon filtration product we selected offers the best-possible protection from the specific chemicals, pesticide and fungicide pollutants. There are documents posted beneath the sign-up form from the EPA that describe the filtration system, as well as a study on how the particular chemicals in question here can affect drinking water.
(We also will provide a similar filter designed for a shower head, to filter your bathing water.) Alternately, you may want to investigate whether a (more costly) “whole-home” water filtration system would be best for your family’s needs.
In addition to having a filter mailed to you, Bold has also partnered with local folks to make these water filters available for pickup — at the Mead Covenant Church, 1540 County Rd 10, Mead, NE 68041.
You may pick up a free water filter on Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., beginning on Thursday, Sept. 9th.