Jane Kleeb, Bold Alliance, 402-705-3622,
Landowners, Pipeline Fighters to Testify Keystone XL is Not in Public Interest at Hearing in O’Neill on June 7
Press conference to precede Public Service Commission public meeting scheduled for 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. at O’Neill Community Center
O’Neill, NE — Landowners who refused to sell their land to TransCanada for the Keystone XL tarsands export pipeline, along with citizens and Pipeline Fighters will testify that Keystone XL is not in the public interest at the Nebraska Public Service Commission’s public meeting on the proposed pipeline scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 at the O’Neill Community Center.
- WHAT: Press Conference + Keystone XL Public Hearing in O’Neill
- WHO: Landowners on KXL route; Jane Kleeb; Nebraska Sierra Club
- WHEN: Wednesday, June 7
- DOORS: 12:00 p.m.
- PRESS CONFERENCE: 12:30 p.m.
- PUBLIC MEETING: 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- WHERE: O’Neill Community Center, 501 S. 4TH St. O’Neill, NE 68763
Members of the media are invited to join a press conference that will take place at 12:30 p.m. before the hearing, and feature Bold Alliance president Jane Kleeb, Nebraska landowners, Nebraska Sierra Club and other speakers.
“Keystone XL never has been and never will be in Nebraska’s public interest,” said Bold Alliance president Jane Kleeb. “This is a foreign pipeline, headed to the foreign export market, wanting to use eminent domain for private gain on Nebraska landowners. We are confident the PSC will follow the rules they set forth and reject the proposed route that still crosses the Sandhills and risks the Ogallala Aquifer.”
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