The TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline is proposed to run through hundreds of Nebraska homes, farms and ranches, crossing the delicate Sandhills and putting the critical Ogallala Aquifer at risk.
During the summer and fall of 2013, Nebraskans stood up for their future by literally building the clean energy future we need. We challenged Big Oil to show their true stripes by constructing a wind turbine and solar-powered barn immediately in the path of the proposed pipeline, using creative tactics to resist pipeline construction before it begins.
If Keystone XL is approved, TransCanada will have to tear down clean and locally-produced energy to make way for dirty and foreign tarsands.

The Build Our Energy project — organized by Bold Nebraska with support from 350.org, Sierra Club, CREDO, NextGen Climate Action and Nebraska Farmers Union — comprised a fundraiser that generated over $67,000 in small online donations from more than 1,300 donors, and the recruitment of hundreds of volunteers who participated in an old-fashioned community barn-raising.
If you or your group would like to arrange a visit to the barn, please contact Tom Genung: tom@boldnebraska.org

- Groundbreaking Day: Saturday, Aug. 17, York Nebraska
- Build Weekend #1: Sept. 14-15
- Build Weekend #2: Sept. 21-22
- Build Our Energy project donors, journalists, or other interested parties are welcome to visit the barn. Please email info@boldnebraska.org for more details or look below for directions to drive by and take a pic!
- From Harmony Nursery and Daylily Farm (705 Road 22, Bradshaw, NE): Continue West on Road 22 for approximately 1.5 miles to the barn, which will be on your right (the one with solar panels on the roof!)
Watch this video to learn why sixth-generation farmer Meghan Hammond and her family are fighthing the Keystone XL pipeline, and what prompted them to offer their land to build a renewable energy-powered barn directly in the path of KXL: