
Bold Nebraska supports LR 455 as it examines opportunities for Nebraskans to empower themselves to impact climate change. Whether that is in methods they use to produce food, generate power or protect the land and water. LR 455 will assess how Nebraskans can mitigate climate change to preserve their way of life while providing jobs and economic benefits to all Nebraskans.

Bold Nebraska believes Nebraskans are willing to combat climate change, they just need access to resources and information to empower themselves. As discussed in LR 455, the report generated by the University of Nebraska in 2014, “Understanding and Assessing Climate Change: Implications for Nebraska” exemplifies the importance of Nebraska moving toward a clean energy future. The Sandhills are a very fragile ecosystem, changes in temperature and availability of water could significantly impact the landscape due to water shortages and erosion. This could lead to changes in way we manage the land and the availability to use our land to produce food sources. In turn, this would also affect the number of diverse native plants species in our native grasslands. Additionally, we would see changes in the migratory birds, and the wildlife that so many Nebraskans love.

Looking at this issue from a bigger perspective, Oil Change International just released a new report that looks at existing fossil fuel production against the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement of staying well below 2˚C and aiming for 1.5˚C. As Bill McKibben states in his assessment of the report, if we’re serious about preventing catastrophic warming we can’t dig any new coal mines, drill any new fields, or build anymore pipelines.

Given that Nebraska is home to one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world, we know doubt have a duty to protect and be stewards to our land, water and air to ensure the generations to come can enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Sandhills, taste the pure pristine water of the Ogallala Aquifer, and inhale the blue skies. Let’s empower Nebraskans to combat climate change at all levels whether that is a homeowner, farmer, rancher, business owner, mom, child or a corporation so we can all do our apart to preserve the good life.

Additional Resources:
The Implications of Climate Change for Nebraska: Summary Report of Sector-Based Roundtable Discussions prepared by Dr. Don Whilhite UNL Climate Scientist and Kim Morrow

Attend a hearing on LR 455 and or contact your State Senator to voice your support.

  • September 27th at 10 a.m. in Broken Bow, the committee will hear presentations on energy financing, including PACE and will follow with solar energy development at 1:30 p.m.
  • September 28th at 9 a.m. in room 1525 of the State Capitol, the committee will hear about solar energy development followed by energy financing, including PACE beginning at 1:30 p.m.

At both sites, the hearings will begin with presentations from experts invited to share their knowledge of the topics at hand, and then will be opened up for testimony from the public.