It’s August, which means the end of summer is approaching, school is starting, and our state leaders are holding town hall meetings across Nebraska. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your elected officials face-to-face, ask questions, and learn more about where your representatives stand on issues that are important to you.

One issue of obvious importance is the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that TransCanada wants to route through Nebraska’s Sandhills and Ogallala aquifer. Just this past weekend, almost 500 Nebraskans protested the pipeline route at the governor’s mansion in Lincoln, demanding that Gov. Heineman take action to protect our beautiful land and precious water.

Other state elected officials can do their part, too. Reps. Terry, Smith and Fortenberry have influence over the pipeline issue, as do Sens. Johanns and Nelson. While some have done more than others (some good, some not-so-good), they all need to be aware that voting citizens care about our land and water and want them to represent citizens’ concerns about the pipeline.


Some basic questions to ask:

Terry and Smith:

“Do you support the TransCanada pipeline being re-routed out of the Sandhills?” 

Lee Terry recently pushed a bill through the House that would speed up the permitting process on the pipeline, and Smith voted for the bill.  However, even those who support the pipeline agree that the Sandhills/Ogallala aquifer route is a bad idea for Nebraska.  The time is now to find out where these Congressmen stand: with TransCanada, a foreign corporation who willingly destroys land and water in their own country as well as in ours, or with Nebraskans who value our greatest resource (water) and want to ensure that it is safe for future generations.

Nelson, Johanns and Fortenberry

“Thank you for your support on suggesting the pipeline should be re-routed out of the Sandhills. We know it is Gov. Heineman’s role, the Nebraska State Legislature’s role, and even the role of individual Nebraska counties to route pipelines. What can we do to ensure that happens?”

 Sens. Johanns and Nelson have voiced concern over a Sandhills pipeline route and have urged the State Department to fully consider alternative routes.  Nelson has also called out Gov. Heineman on his weak leadership on the pipeline issue.  

Rep. Fortenberry recently voted against Rep. Terry’s reckless bill to rush a pipeline decision and has also criticized a Sandhills pipeline route.  Let’s show our support for when elected officials do the right thing.

Town Hall Meeting Schedule:

Jeff Fortenberry
August 8th, 5:15 pm, Southeast Community College (Room U102)
August 9th, 12-1 pm, Wahoo Public Llibrary, Wahoo
August 9th, 5:15-6:15 pm, Schuyler City Hall, Schuyler
August 10th, 12-1 pm, Lifelong Learning Center, Norfolk
August 10th, 5:15-6:15, Fremont Auditorium, Fremont
August 16th, 12-1 pm, Blair City Hall, Blair
August 16th, 5:15 pm, Nielsen Community Center, West Point
August 17th, 11 am, Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, Lincoln (Guest: David Walker )

Lee Terry
August 6th,11-5pm, Sumtur Amphitheatre, Hwy 370, Papillion
August 13th, 8:30-9:30 am, Miller Park Pavilion, Omaha
August 16th, 12-1 pm, Brown Park Pavilion, Omaha
August 16th, 6:30-7:30 pm, Twin Rivers YMCA, Valley

Adrian Smith
August 10th, 7:30-8:30 pm, Kearney Chamber of Commerce, Kearney

Mike Johanns
August 8th, 7:30-8:30 AM, ShadowLake Hy-Vee, Papillion
August 8th, 3-4 pm, Nebraska Room, Lancaster County Fair, Lincoln
August 10th, 12-1 pm, VFW, Stanton
August 10th, 3-4pm, Nielson Community, Center, West Point
August 15th, 12:30-1:30pm, Beef Pit, Fonner Park,Grand Island
August 15th, 3-4 pm, Murph’s diner, Osceola
August 17th, 8:15-9:15am MST, Lied Library, Scottsbluff
August 17th, 10-11 am MST, Farm and Ranch Museum, Gering
August 17th, 12:45-1:45 pm MST, Harrison House Hotel, Harrison
August 17th, 3:15-4:15 pm MST, The Grove, Chadron
August 18th, 9-10 am MST, Pineview Nursing Home, Valentine
August 18th, 2:30-3:30 pm, Country Cottage Cafe, Butte
August 19th, 12:00-1:00 pm, Hartington Public Library, Hartington

Ben Nelson
August 11th, 9-11am, Strategic Air and Space Museum, Ashland

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