Beginning Tuesday, March 18, and ending Tuesday, April 1, Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) will hold a series of open houses in various locations throughout the OPPD territory.
(Installing solar panels and wind turbine at the barn constructed in the path of Keystone XL. Photos: Mary Anne Andrei)
According to a press release from OPPD, the purpose of the sessions will be “to educate and engage the public, working with them to shape the utility’s collective energy future.” The public, especially customer-owners in the OPPD system, is encouraged to attend.
According to OPPD: “All information gathered will be presented to the OPPD Board of Directors in May. This will assist the board as it attempts to make informed decisions about the utility’s future based on the recent expressed desires of constituents.”
Help put the “public” back in public power by attending one or more of these open houses, asking questions, and giving your comments to be considered by the OPPD board. Let them know that as a customer-owner of OPPD, you urge greater investment in clean, renewable energy and less dependence on coal and dirty fossil fuels.
The OPPD Open House schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 3/18
Salvation Army Kroc Center, Fellowship Hall
2825 Y Street, Omaha, NE
Tuesday, 3/18
Alice Buffett Magnet Middle School, Cafeteria
14101 Larimore Ave,
Omaha, NE
Wednesday, 3/19
11:00am- 1:00pm
Westside Community
Conference Center
3534 S 108th St., Omaha, NE
Thursday, 3/20
Mutual of Omaha Plaza
3301 Dodge St, Omaha, NE
Saturday, 3/22
Salem Baptist Church
3131 Lake St, Omaha, NE
Tuesday, 3/25
Sump Memorial Library
222 N Jefferson St, Papillion, NE
Tuesday, 3/25
The Meeting Place
718 3rd St, Humboldt, NE
Friday, 3/28
Johnson County Home and Garden Show
Tecumseh Community Building
355 Clay St, Tecumseh, NE
Saturday, 3/29
Lied Lodge & Conference Center, Terrace Room
2700 Sylvan Rd, Nebraska City, NE
Sunday, 3/30
VFW Breakfast, American Legion Hall
166 S 2nd St, Springfield, NE
Monday, 3/31
Millard Branch Library, East Room
13214 Westwood Ln, Omaha, NE
Monday, 3/31
City Hall, City Council Chambers
218 S 16th St, Blair, NE
Tuesday, April 1
5:00pm Neighborhood Meeting
W. Dale Clark Library
215 S 15th St, Omaha, NE