Some big things are happening right now that underscore the importance of our fight against the KXL pipeline. TransCanada had to shut down (again) Keystone I and they are being scrutinized by Canadian officials for safety violations.
The last of the Presidential debates came and went without climate change being discussed for the first time since 1984. It seems climate silence is the code for both candidates. We should note that Gov. Romney said he would build the pipeline with his own hands on day one if he becomes President. On the other hand, President Obama denied the pipeline because of citizens, Gov. Heineman’s request and the science behind the route being too risky. We wrote a few blogs about where Romney and Obama stand with lots of quotes, links and reminders of basic facts on this issue.
Meanwhile, landowners and citizens are fighting TransCanada with everything we have–both in courtrooms and in front of bulldozers.
And of course, Election Day (Nov. 6) is just around the corner. 

Bold worked with groups like the Farmers Union to research candidates from US Senate to Regent to NRDs.
The result is a comprehensive New Energy Voter Guide to help navigate where candidates stand on the pipeline, clean energy and other critical issues facing our state.
A crop of candidates really caught our eye, and we asked a journalist to help us tell their stories. You can read in-depth profiles of candidates who all embody new energy: Ken Haar, Judy Domina, Fred Christensen and John Ewing.
We have more battles to win, we invite you to these events to help make our goal of stopping the pipeline a reality.
Oct. 27: Pipe Dreams Movie and New Energy Voters
4:30-6:30pm (4:30 doors open, 5:30 movie, 6:30 game shown on big screens)
Bourbon Theatre/Bar, 1415 O St. Lincoln
All ages welcome, free event with treats from Pepe’s Food Truck

FB event link:
Nov. 7: Photoshoot Sending a Message to the Next President, #nokxl
3:45-5:00pm (4:30 picture taken, arrive early for set-up)
Carney Park, O’Neill (Hwy 281 and 14th)
We have the signs, bring your friends and family. The picture will be used at a DC action to be announced soon!
Dec. 1: Do the Math National Tour with Bill McKibben and Celebs
5-9:30pm (5pm food and music reception, 6pm doors open to theatre, 7pm show begins)
Joslyn Museum, Omaha

Purchase tixs here:
FB event link:
Let’s continue to stand shoulder to shoulder demanding our land and water are protected and this pipeline stopped. We can do that together in the streets and in the voting booth on Nov. 6th, using the New Energy Voter Guide of course!
-Jane, Ben, Chelsea, Aaron (aka the Bold team)
PS, thanks to everyone who helped us reach our goal to put up billboards. We are now trying to get this ad funded to air on TV. Please pitch in $5 to help us reach the goal!