Governor Heineman has announced that he’s listened to Nebraskans concerns and is calling the state legislature into a special session on November 1st to address oil pipeline siting and routing regulations. We’re glad that the Governor has taken a critical first step to protect our land and water.
We’re celebrating this victory but also rolling up our sleeves. We need to make sure that we get serious, meaningful laws on the books for oil pipelines. Right now companies like TransCanada are acting above the law in our state, and that must stop.
We also must ensure that the Sandhills and heart of the Ogallala Aquifer are protected. So please visit, call, write, email your state senator, Speaker Flood, and Governor Heineman. Demand that they protect the Sandhills, protect our land and water, and protect Nebraskans.
Tell your elected officials the special session MUST re-route the pipe, and we will not accept anything less.
Contact Info:
Speaker Flood
phone: 402-471-2929
address: 1445 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68509 (Room 2103 in the State Capitol if you want to visit)
Governor Heineman
email: Online form
phone: 402-471-2244
address: 1445 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68509 (Room 2316 in the State Capitol if you want to visit)