Step #1: Register to vote online. You can change your party affiliation and change your address as well online. (Note: The deadline to register to vote in Nebraska for the 2020 General Election was Oct. 23. If you missed it, make sure your registration is up-to-date for the next election!)
Step #2: Decide which way you will vote. You have 3 options, choose the best one to keep you and others healthy during the coronavirus:
- Vote from home with a mail-in ballot. Your ballot must be received by Nov. 3–so mail it back by Oct. 27 at latest, or drop it off at a drop-box. You can track your ballot to make sure it was received.
- Vote early, in-person, at your County Election office anytime Oct. 5-Nov. 2, offices are typically open 9am-5pm.
- Vote at your local polling location on Election Day — Nov. 3, 2020.
Step #3: Spread the word to your friends and family that you voted and help them make a plan to vote. Share this link, help people understand how they can vote early!
- Sarpy and Douglas County offer multiple drop-boxes.
- Lincoln & Lancaster County add drop-boxes at public libraries.
- All 93 counties have drop-boxes outside the courthouse or election commission offices:
Request a Vote-By-Mail application to be sent to you.
Check to see if you are registered to vote at the right address.
Find your polling place (where you go on Election Day–Nov. 3–to vote, we encourage you to vote from home).
Find your County Election office to vote early in-person or to drop your ballot off.
Spanish Versions of Election Forms.
Oct. 16: Last Day to have your voter registration application postmarked.
Oct. 16: Last day to register to vote online.
Oct. 16: Last day to register to vote at your DMV Office.
Oct. 23 (by 6 p.m.): Last Day to register to vote at your County Clerk/Election Commission office.
You need to apply to vote by mail. Voting by mail is safe, easy, secure and allows you to avoid lines and bad weather.
July 6: First day to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot.
Sept. 28: First day the Vote-by-Mail ballots are sent to you by the County Election Commission.
Oct. 23 (by 6 p.m.): Last Day that Vote-By-Mail applications are accepted at your County Clerk/Election Commission office.
Nov. 3: Last day to get your Vote-By-Mail ballot into the local election office. You can mail it or drop it off at County Clerk/Election Commission office. If you are placing your ballot in the mail, please do so by Oct. 28 to ensure it arrives by Nov. 3, 2020.
Oct. 5: First Day to vote early, in person, at your County Clerk/Election Commission Office
Nov. 2: Last Day to vote early, in person, at your County Clerk/Election Commission Office
Nov. 3: Election Day–polls open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT/7 a.m. to 7 p.m. MT. Find your polling location.
Each county runs the elections at the local level.
Some counties are now ALL Vote-By-Mail, meaning you do not have to request to vote from home, your county automatically sends you a ballot. These counties include: Boone, Cedar, Cherry, Clay, Dawes, Dixon, Garden, Knox, Merrick, Morrill, Stanton, rural precincts of Wayne.
The Nebraska Sec. of State announced all voters will get a Vote-By-Mail Application, just like what counties did in the Primary Election. Each county is sending the applications out at different times. You can check with your local Election Commission office to see when they are sending you an application.
If you have questions about your county, please contact your County Clerk/Election Commission office.
Democrats Abroad help Nebraskans living overseas vote. Get all the information you need to vote abroad here.
From the NE SOS office: “Voters with disabilities can use the accessible ballot marking device to vote early by scheduling an appointment with their County Election Office.” All county election offices are closed to the public, so you must call ahead to schedule an appointment.
Nebraska law ensures that people who have served time can have their right to vote restored after a two-year period following the successful completion of their sentence, including probation.
You can read all the background on voting rights for formerly incarcerated people here.
If you experience any problems on election day you can call Civic Nebraska’s voter protection hotline.
In English: (402) 890-5291
En Español: (888) 839-8682
Asian Languages: (888) 274-8683
Arabic: (844) 925-5287
Volunteer on Election Day
Poll Worker
If you would like to become a poll worker for the Nov. 3 election, contact your county election office.
They will then send you information on training and how to register for this paid position in your county.
Time requirements are a training class, which varies in time by county, usually 1-2 hours and then working the day of the election 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT.
We want to caution that only those without underlying health issues should consider this option since you will be in contact with various people during the day.