The Grinch and Cindy Lou Who will visit Gov. Heineman’s mansion on Dec. 24th (1425 H Street, Lincoln) at noon to ask the Governor the following:
1) Don’t flip flop on protecting the Aquifer, deny the proposed route.
2) Honor our families legacies who gave their sweat and determination to homestead the land that is now threatened, promise landowners no eminent domain for private gain (or at the very least no eminent domain until/if they get a federal permit).
3) Deny the proposed route so the PSC can assess the route with clear standards and rules that are absent from the current DEQ process (that also has a clear conflict of interest by contractor HDR which does work for TransCanada).
The Grinch and Cindy Lou Who will have gifts that go along with each request.
FOR PRESS: Pictures of the event will be posted on our Flickr page and our Facebook page by 3pm ct on 12/24. Pictures should be credited to Mary Ann Andrei for Bold Nebraska. You can request high res versions by emailing
Remember the Governor cannot deny the pipeline permit, only President Obama can do that. But, the Governor can deny this current proposed route in our state and demand a better route chosen and that TransCanada can not use eminent domain until/if they get a federal permit.