Help us log 200 calls on April 14th!
On April 14, activists across the state will call their state senators and Gov. Heineman, demanding that the our state government protect our land and water from oil pipelines. We’ve got everything you need to call your state senator in one convenient place. Simply enter your address to pull up your state senator’s contact info. Just follow the simple steps after the talking points on the action page, and you’re done!
Let us know how your call went by logging it on the action page or share your experience with other activists on our facebook wall.
Talking points:
It is the state’s role and duty, not the federal government or Sec. Clinton, to decide on the oil pipeline routes, eminent domain and finacial responsibility within our state borders.
Right now, we have no state-based regulations for oil pipelines.
The Congressional memo recently brought to light by advocacy groups in our state prove Nebraska can act now on re-routing the pipeline out of the Sandhills and putting regulations in place to protect our land and water.
It is time to pass all 3 bills in the Natural Resources Committee so the full Unicameral can debate and vote on the bills.
It is also time for Governor Heineman and the Unicameral to create a process for pipeline routes to be decided upon so we can get the TransCanada pipeline re-reouted out of the Sandhills.
We have nothing in place to protect our landowners, water and state’s economic activity, we need their help now.
No more lip service. No more excuses. No more passing the buck to the federal government or Sec. Clinton. We know the truth, it is the state’s role for these regulations and it’s time to lead.
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