Tag: Oil Spill

Bold’s Jane Kleeb Statement on Keystone Pipeline’s 22nd Spill on Dec. 7th

TC Energy’s original Keystone oil pipeline recorded its 22nd spill on Dec. 7, 2022. According to Reuters, “An emergency shutdown and response was initiated at about 9 p.m. CT on Dec. 7 after alarms and a pressure drop in the system, the company said in a release, adding booms were deployed to control downstream migration […]
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Keystone Pipeline Spill History

HISTORY OF SPILLS: TC Energy’s Keystone pipeline (22 SPILLS: 2010-2022) (Note: TC Energy’s (formerly TransCanada) “Keystone pipeline” is not to be confused with the company’s proposed “Keystone XL” pipeline — a separate pipeline project that was defeated and cancelled two separate times under Pres. Obama and Pres. Biden. The Keystone 1 pipeline carries up to […]
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Whistleblower: Bad Welds Will Cause More Tar Sands Pipeline Spills

For Immediate Release: April 18, 2016 Contact: Jane Kleeb, jane@boldnebraska.org, 402-705-3622 David Turnbull, david@priceofoil.org, 202-316-3499 Andy Pearson, andy@mn350.org, 612-600-5951 Winona LaDuke, winonaladuke@honorearth.org, 218-280-1720 Lindsay Meiman, lindsay@350.org, 347-460-9082 Jonathon Berman, jonathon.berman@sierraclub.org, 202-297-7533 Dallas Goldtooth, dallas@ienearth.org, 708-515-6158 Aldo Seoane, aldoseoane@gmail.com, 605-319-8151 Whistleblower: Bad Welds Will Cause More Tar Sands Pipeline Spills According to a TransCanada whistleblower, the […]
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The Good Friday Spill: Mayflower, Arkansas

“I know everybody in Mayflower,” says Linda Lynch of her hometown in Arkansas. It seems almost possible. A bedroom community for Little Rock some 20 miles down I-40, Mayflower is a town of barely 1,600 with just one shopping center—a grocery store, a Dollar Store, and a Subway. In such a small town, Linda insists […]
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Rachel Maddow Discusses North Dakota Oil Spill

Mark Hefflinger
On Friday, Rachel Maddow reported on the 20,000+ barrel Tesoro oil pipline spill near Tioga, North Dakota, and the controversial delay in response time (11 days) before the public was notified. Kris Roberts, who is leading the North Dakota Health Department’s work with Tesoro on the cleanup, said the state saw no need to publicize the […]
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Rachel Maddow Calls Exxon Out for Poor Response to Mayflower Oil Spill

Mark Hefflinger
On Thursday, The Rachel Maddow Show covered the poor response that ExxonMobil has displayed after its Pegasus tarsands pipeline ruptured in Mayflower, Arkansas five months ago. The company has threatened to cut off housing support to families whose homes were affected by the spill. Maddow also interviews Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, who has called […]
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Invite Your County Officials to Pipeline Safety Training

Jane Kleeb
Experts on pipelines are coming to Nebraska in August to hold a training for county officials. The training is intended for county commissioners, zoning board members, county attorneys, emergency management staff and other interested local officials, but also will be open to the public. We are proud to announce Carl Weimer with the Pipeline Safety […]
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VIDEO: America’s Dangerous Pipelines

Mark Hefflinger
A new analysis of oil and gas pipeline safety in the United States reveals a troubling history of spills, contamination, injuries and deaths. AMERICA’S DANGEROUS PIPELINES Analysis by Richard Stover, Ph.D., and the Center for Biological Diversity This time-lapse video shows pipeline incidents from 1986 to 2013, relying on publicly available data from the federal […]
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NAS Dilbit Study Fails to Study Tarsands Spill Effects

Mark Hefflinger
The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on Tuesday released a report on diluted bitumen that disappointingly fails to answer the basic question of what the risks are once a spill happens. Citizens understand tarsands shares some chemical properties of other heavy crude like oil from Venezuela. However, the concerns about what happens once tarsands spills–most important […]
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Spill Factors: A Statistical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Pipeline Regulations

Bold Nebraska
For decades, pipelines have been built in the United States without much controversy. The result: 2.5 million miles of pipelines now traverse our nation to deliver natural gas, oil and other hazardous liquids to their destinations.1 Aside from well-publicized ruptures like the San Bruno, California natural gas explosion that took eight lives in 2010, the […]
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