More than 50 landowners and Pipeline Fighters testified in support of LB 473 during a hearing before the Judiciary Committee on March 11, 2015.
The Legislature did not move LB 473 forward during the 2015 session, but we will be working with Sen. Chambers and other allies to reintroduce a bill to stop eminent domain for private gain during the 2016 legislative session.
Support LB 473, No eminent domain for private gain. Click here to add your name.
Many thanks to Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers — so often the only voice of reason in our state legislature, and a tireless and outspoken advocate for those without a voice — for introducing LB 473.
The bill would repeal the law (LB 1161) that gave pipeline companies like TransCanada eminent domain authority to take Nebraskans’ land for Keystone XL.
“The pipeline is like King Kong, and the people and farms are like ants and grasshoppers,” Chambers told The Guardian. “If they get in the way, they will be crushed with no redress.”
WATCH: Sen. Ernie Chambers talks eminent domain with NET Nebraska:
You can send a handwritten note of thanks to Sen. Chambers for standing with farmers, ranchers, tribes in the path of Keystone XL and all of us against eminent domain for private gain:
Senator Ernie Chambers
District 11
Room #1114
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509