
It’s time to take action against a Congress that, just like TransCanada, thinks it can run roughshod over farmers, ranchers and tribes. Here’s the rundown of what is happening in Washington, DC right now on the pipeline and what we need you to do.

The House will vote on a KXL approval bill on Friday. The Senate will vote on the same bill on Tuesday. Right now, they do not have the votes to override President Obama’s veto power, but they might have the votes to get the bills passed.
If the bill passes, we are back to where we once were years ago — when the President rejected KXL the first time because Congress was trying to force the approval of the pipeline before the Nebraska, South Dakota and federal environmental reviews were finalized.

ACTION: Call Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry and S.D. Sen. Tim Johnson

They are two elected officials who know the risks of this pipeline and we need you to ask that they stand with us and vote NO on any Keystone XL bill.

Rep. Fortenberry: 202-225-4806
Sen. Johnson: 202-224-5842


Sen. Landrieu is asking fellow Senators to vote for increased carbon pollution and risking our water. She is messing with our families’ livelihoods, and it is unacceptable. 

Another vote on Keystone XL will not help Sen. Landrieu back in her home state. It is clear that a break with voters has happened and KXL will not solve that issue, just like KXL will not solve any energy issue we have here in the United States.

Sen. Landrieu’s memory is short, and she must not be talking to the fishermen who are still feeling economic loss because of the oil spill in their water.

Legally, Congress acting to take away powers from the President is on shaky ground. Folks who support the pipeline will point to the Commerce Clause as to their legal authority. However, taking powers from the executive branch for one project will be challenged in court if Congress takes this step.

The White House has reiterated they want the legal process in Nebraska to be finalized before the State Department completes their review (since it is not complete yet, despite what the Republicans say). The administration stated that they have vetoed such measures to approve the pipeline by Congress before, and they are inclined to do so again.

Lastly, regardless of any action from Congress, this pipeline can not be built anytime soon because it has no route in Nebraska and has no construction permit in South Dakota. Congress is playing politics with farmers and ranchers’ livelihoods, all so they can cut a TV campaign ad for a beleaguered Senator from Louisiana.