We had a great turnout for the Education and Action forum in Lincoln. We wanted to make sure folks visiting our site for the first time know where thet can get information and download the action guide.
To take ACTION, click here for our new Action Guide.
Below are pictures from the rally we held in Lincoln to urge State Senators and Governor Heineman to pass state-based safety, pipeline routing and other laws that are needed to protect our economic activity and natural resources. Currently, Nebraska has no laws to regulate oil pipelines and the eminent domain law on the books is allowing a foreign company, TransCanada, to threaten taking private land for their risky pipeline.
You can read more about the pipeline by clicking here, we have a resource page that we update on a regular basis with reports and news.
Thank you to all the Nebraska groups and regional group Plains Justice for helping us in our efforts to protect our state’s resources and economic activity from the risky TransCanada pipeline.
The Washington Post recently featured the opposition and concerns being raised in Nebraska about the TransCanada pipeline, it is a great story to learn more about the concerns on water, wildlife and our land.