Want to help with the Build Our Energy project but don’t think you will be able to make it to the actual barn-raising? Help raise money for the project, while enjoying an American tradition—hold a “Pies Against the Pipeline” lemonade stand with baked goods.
Our tarsands-free Ogallala Aquifer has the perfect water for making the thirst-quenching lemonade needed on a hot summer day, and everyone knows Nebraskans bake the best pies around (remember the Apple Pie Brigade?). Never had a lemonade stand before or ran your own baked goods sale? No problem! We’ve got the resources to help you. We’ve put together this handy-dandy guide (below) with tips on the best places across the state to set up shop, and some critical elements of a successful baked goods lemonade stand that are easy to overlook when planning.
We created a special sign you can download for your stand!
Finding a Location
There are many events going on across the state this summer that would be perfect sites to hold your Pies Against the Pipeline lemonade stand. Here are a few ideas:
- County Fairs: The state’s county fairs are kicking off, with nearly 100 in total including the State Fair in Grand Island. I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things about the fair is all the delicious food and snacks that are much needed on showing day. Here’s a list of all the county fairs in Nebraska, including their locations and dates. If you would like to register your lemonade stand as an official booth at your fair, you can find contact information for the fair manager in your county here; they should be able to help you get that organized. Otherwise, you could simply set up near all the action!
- Farmer’s Markets: Click here for a directory of Farmer’s Markets across Nebraska. Click on your county to receive contact information for who to contact to get a booth at your local farmer’s market.
- Outdoor concerts: Hear Nebraska has a list of all the concerts going on across Nebraska. You could set up on a sidewalk near the venue to attract a good crowd. Check out the list here.
- You could also simply set up in a well-traveled public space: near a local shopping center or grocery store, on a street corner in a busy part of town, or outside of the local library would all be good places for your Pies Against the Pipeline stand.
- Check out this list of free events going on in Omaha this summer that will be sure to attract crowds.
- The Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau has set up a calendar of events going on in Lincoln this summer, see it here.
- This list will show you many festivals, arts and crafts fairs, and other events going on across Nebraska this summer.
Make sure to check your local newspaper for announcements of good events to attend with your Pies Against the Pipeline stand—anyplace where there will be a good gathering of people will be something to look into. If you have any doubt as to whether your location is public property, you should check with the appropriate local authorities (such as police, sheriff, city hall, or any local property owners close to your chosen location). As the event coordinator, you are responsible for getting permission if required, or paying any fees to use the location you choose. If in doubt, ask! If you are having difficulty finding information, send us an email at intern@boldnebraska.org, and we will try to help you out!
Promote your event
Make a Facebook event for your bakesale and lemonade stand, and then invite your friends. Make sure you invite us to your event, so we can share it on the Bold Nebraska page on Facebook, too.
Recruiting Helpers
Invite your friends and family to help you. Ask them to bring by a plate of cookies, contribute to the lemonade, or help out at the table. Make sure to keep a list of your volunteers with their contact information so you can follow up with them. You can use this template to fill in who is planning on bringing baked goods or other supplies, and who has volunteered to help you clean up or staff the table. We strongly urge you to email or call your helpers to coordinate the event and ensure it runs smoothly.
Supplies Checklist
This supplies checklist can help you prepare for your Pies Against the Pipeline stand and help make sure you don’t forget anything important:
- table
- chairs to sit on
- small paper plates/napkins to serve on & cups if you’re selling drinks
- knife/spatula to cut & serve food
- plastic wrap or sandwich bags to keep food covered and to wrap individual portions
- cash to make change—especially $1 bills
- tape to hang your signs
- a digital camera if you have one, to take pictures & submit them afterwards (We’ll feature the photos on our FB page!)
- materials: make sure to print out all the flyers, media materials, and other critical materials
- poster paper and markers to make signs for your table and directional signs directing folks to your bake sale
- donation basket in case people want to give more money than you are selling the goods for
- literature and materials on the KXL and N.E.A.T.
Sitting at the Stand
“Pies Against the Pipeline” stands will dot the Nebraska landscape, and we want to show your hard work off. So make sure to take photos throughout the day and send them to info@boldnebraska.org.
Here are three things you can do that will dramatically increase the success of your Pies Against the Pipeline stand:
1. Big Signs: Make sure the signs on your table clearly communicate, at a distance, the purpose of the stand. Sign Ideas:
- Use this downloadable form to print out and customize your own Bakesale sign at home
- Pies Against the Pipeline
- Tarsands-free Lemonade
- Build Our Energy Future – NO KXL
2. Pricing and Extra donations. You can eliminate change by pricing things in round dollar amounts, or having paper plates of 1-2 items (e.g. a plate of 2 cookies for $1, or a piece of cake for $2). Also ask folks if they want to make an “extra donation” when they buy a treat—that’s what the donation bucket is for!
3. Be Vocal. Ask folks who are walking by to buy stuff. Just say something simple like “Would you like to buy a brownie to build Nebraska’s clean energy future?”
Sending In Money and Pictures
After the sale is done, your main responsibility is to send in your pictures and the money you raised.
- Post your pictures on Facebook and tag us, “Bold Nebraska.” You can also post on Instagram and tag “nokxl.” You can also send them via email tointern@boldnebraska.org.
- You can write a check or get a money order for the value of all cash or change from your bake sale.
- If you have collected checks in addition to this amount, you can send them in along with your check or money order. Checks should be made out to “Bold Nebraska,” with “Build Bakesale” written in the “Memo” section.
- Mail in your donation to:
Bold Nebraska
208 S. Burlington Ave.
Ste 103, Box 325
Hastings, NE 68901