Senator Ben Nelson spoke about the pipeline today on a press call. With the critical importance of the pipeline and special session, we wanted to share his statement regarding oil pipeline routing and the special session.
Senator Nelson and Johanns as well as Rep. Fortenberry have met with landowners and have been asking questions about the pipeline all along the way
Our land and water is simply too valuable to allow oil pipeline companies to continue to have a free pass in our state. We hope Governor Heineman, our state senators, and President Obama stand up to Big Oil and stand with Nebraskans.
November 9, 2011 – Today, during his weekly conference call with Nebraska media representatives, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson made the following comments on the special legislative session called by Governor Heineman on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and its route through Nebraska:
“It is unfortunate that the Legislature is dealing with this now rather than three years ago, two years ago, or even last session,” Senator Nelson said. “Had the state of Nebraska worked with TransCanada on the route in the beginning of this process, they wouldn’t be in crisis mode trying to address it now.
“That being said, I do not think it is too late to act. If the Legislature does not act, then it falls back on the governor to bring the parties together to arrive at a solution.
“In any event, it would be unfair to Nebraskans if state officials failed to exercise their authority to determine a route based on what is in the best interest of Nebraska.
“It’s a state’s rights issue, purely and simply, and what good are state’s rights if elected officials refuse to exercise them and let Washington make the decisions for them, directly or through acquiescence?”