Senator Ben Nelson released the following statement this morning after the State Dept. announced that it is demanding a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) be performed on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.  Bold Nebraska applauds this decision after the first EIS was deemed inadequate by the EPA and many non-profits.  We also thank leaders like Senators Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns for expressing the concerns of Nebraskans at the federal level.

The State Dept.’s decision to gather more information means Nebraska’s state elected officials now have more time to pass common sense regulations and protections and offer up an alternative route around the Ogallala Aquifer.  The excuses for inaction in recent days are shameful and inadequate.  It is our state government’s duty to protect Nebraska citizens, and so far they have passed the buck.  We demand bold leadership from our elected officials in the coming months.


 March 16, 2011 – Today, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson released the following statement on the latest developments on the Keystone Pipeline proposal in Nebraska:

“Yesterday the U.S. Department of State announced it would conduct additional analysis on the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline.

“I am pleased that the State Department has not rushed this process and I am hopeful that the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will taken into consideration the comments and concerns Nebraskans raised with the original EIS.

“Also, it’s good to see that the State Department is committed to allowing interested parties and the public comment on the project and will provide 45 days to comment on the Supplement Draft EIS when it is released mid-April.

“I hope that all Nebraska stakeholders along with state and local official will take this opportunity to ensure that the Department of State has the proper analysis on the pipeline’s impact on Nebraska.” 


An audio recording of the senator’s statement can be accessed, downloadable MP3: