Seal the Deal
The contracts that TransCanada forces on landowners mandates there cannot be any trees or permanent structures on the pipeline route, so the #NOKXL Clean Energy Barn built by volunteers with donations on land directly inside the pipeline route — and the donated trees we are planting with landowners who live on the pipeline route — are our way of “sealing the deal” on KXL’s rejection.
BARN SEALER: Donate $12 to help purchase brushes & sealant for the #NOKXL Energy Barn.
TREE PLANTER: Donate $50 to buy a tree to be planted in the path of Keystone XL.
PIPELINE FIGHTER: Donate $100 to help fund three public Pipeline Fighter monuments along the KXL route.
All who donate $12 or more will have their names added to the plaque honoring Pipeline Fighters on the wall of the #NOKXL Clean Energy Barn.
On Saturday, May 7, volunteers gathered at the #NOKXL barn to help us apply a coat of sealant, and planted several trees at the barn to honor Pipeline Fighters.
Click here to view all photos from the event on Facebook.
We still are in need of volunteers to help us deliver over 50 trees donated by Pipeline Fighters, and plant them on landowners’ farms and ranches that are directly in the path of Keystone XL. You’ll need a pickup truck or trailer to lay the tree and 5-gallon drum flat while delivering your tree(s) to landowners’ properties along the pipeline route. You may deliver a tree on any day that’s convenient for both you and the landowner. (Please contact Amy Schaffer amy@boldnebraska.org for details.)