(Cross-posted from the “The Ed Schultz Show” blog)
Jane Kleeb: The Real Deal on Keystone XL is to Look Us in the Eye
“We get deals. We understand bargaining. When Nebraska rancher Randy Thompson goes to the sale barn to auction off cattle, he knows the asking price might be higher or lower than his expectation. Deals and bargaining happen every day on farms and ranches and across the United States. Bargaining away our water, giving up our land through eminent domain and increasing carbon pollution is something we do not accept.
“Recent comments by Michael Bloomberg and not so recent comments by Canadian Prime Minister Harper are stark reminders that the pundits, politicians and opinion leaders who continue to suggest trading Keystone approval to make a deal on a “broader” climate plan are out of touch with reality. Trading Keystone XL for a promise from Canada to do better next time is only a deal for more carbon and water pollution…”