The bills to protect our land, water and landowners were introduced in the state legislature because of you! The hearing date has been set for Feb. 9th at 1:30pm for all 3 pipeline bills. The Natural Resources Committee will hear testimony in Room 1525 of the State Capitol.
You can take ACTION by:
- Send letters, emails or make calls to all the state senators on the Natural Resources Committee, we give you sample letters and list their contact info here. The two committee members you should “thank” are Dubas and Haar, the others you should urge to “vote yes.”
- Look up the Natural Resources Committee state senators on Facebook and send messages on their Facebook walls.
- Send written testimony if you can not make it to the hearing to Here is a sample testimony.
- Show your support by coming to the hearing. We have t-shirts (the Windmills, not Oil Spills design) if you want to purchase one for $20 and put it on for the hearings. We will be selling them until noon at our office which is on the 3rd floor of 1141 H St.
If you plan on coming to the hearing on Feb. 9th, please arrive as early as you can since we think the room might fill up fast. Let us know you’re coming by RSVP-ing to our Facebook event.
Pipeline Bills
Dubas’s bill has us bouncing off the walls for joy. If the bill is passed, companies that want to build any oil pipeline through Nebraska will have to apply with the Public Service Commission and go through a lengthy approval process. This is a crucial first step in protecting our natural resources and landowners. Senators Fischer, Fulton, Haar and Sullivan have signed on as co-sponsors.
PDF of bill: LB340
Committee: Natural Resources
Contact Info to Express Support: Senator Dubas, (402) 471-2630
We’ve been asking state legislators to make sure TransCanada ponies up for their pipelines. Haar’s bill would require “proof of financial responsibility” from pipelines transporting hazardous material (like tar sands oil) across our state. Basically, the bill sets up a trust to protect landowners if a pipeline leaks or is abandoned which is exactly what you’ve been asking for. Senator Sullivan has signed on as a co-sponsor.
PDF of bill: LB578
Committee: Natural Resources
Contact Info to Express Support: Senator Haar, (402) 471-2673
The bill establishes the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Reclamation and Recovery Act which requires pipeline operators to set up a trust for landowners if land cannot be reclaimed after construction. This would be a major boon to Sandhills’ landowners if the Keystone XL is approved because there’s little evidence that the delicate ecosystem could be reclaimed after TransCanada’s construction. Senators Dubas, Haar and Fulton have signed on as co-sponsors to LB629!
PDF of bill: LB629
Committee: Natural Resources
Contact Info to Express Support: Senator Sullivan, (402) 471-2631