It is time to stand with Randy…you have until June 6th to tell Sec. Clinton that, as a Nebraskan, you stand with landowners and our natural resources, not a foreign company who wants to put all of the things we care about at risk.

Sign this petition
help us get to 2,000 Nebraskans! Make sure you leave a comment because your name and comments will then be submitted to Sec. Clinton on June 6th (the last day to comment on the State Dept. Study). 

It’s time to stand with Randy, a landowner in this video, and show Sec. Clinton and our state elected officials that we will not turn our backs on our land and water. We are counting on them to stand with Randy, not TransCanada.

Dept. of State Info

We urge Sec. Clinton to deny the permit request from TransCanada to build a risky tarsands oil pipeline across the Sandhills and through the Ogallala aquifer. You can read more about the study Sec. Clinton (officially called the Supplemental Environmental Impact Study or SEIS).

If you want to also send comments to the Dept. of State, here is their comment link. We will also submit comments from our petition to Sec. Clinton.

What are the next steps with the Dept. of State permit?

The Dept. of State issued their revised study on the pipeline in April 2011. They had to issue a revised study because the first was was inadequate. The revised one is not much better.

After June 6th, Sec. Clinton and her staff will review all the comments and issue a final study on the pipeline.  There will be another public comment period followed by a final hearing in Washington, DC.  Sec. Clinton will then take all of that information and issue a final decision on whether or not the United States will grant or deny the permit request from TransCanada to build another risky tarsands pipeline across the US.  We understand from the Dept. of State that the decision will come by the end of 2011.  

We want to remind folks that Sec. Clinton has NO ROLE in the pipeline route or other state-based issues.  Those critical decisions and need for regulations are in the hands of our state elected officials (i.e. Heineman, Bruning, Unicameral, county officials, etc.).

Pipeline Info

Nebraska Unicameral’s Interim Study: This document has testimony from Nebraska’s water and Sandhill experts on the dangers and numerous questions that are still unanswered about the risky pipeline project.

Congressional Research Service Memo: The non-partisan federal resource clearly outlines the fact that Nebraska–not the federal government–is responsible for the route of oil pipelines, which means Gov. Heineman and the Unicameral can say the pipeline should not go through the Sandhills.

Bold’s Pipeline Resource Page: We do our best to keep lots of background information, reports and key articles all in one place.


Action Guide: Are you ready to write a letter to your local paper? We have all the info you need in one handy booklet.

Sign this Petition: Make sure you leave a comment because your name and comments will then be submitted to Sec. Clinton in one big package from Nebraska.