Calling all poets, farmers, artists, ranchers, musicians, designers, hair salons, bands, restaurants…
Aug. 5-7, across our state, Nebraskans are planning events to bring awareness to the TransCanada pipeline issue. Events will focus on protecting the Sandhills, the Ogallala Aquifer and our way of life.
Do you want to plan an event?
Fill out this form, and your event will get added to our interactive map. The map will be part of a special site we are setting up just for these events.
What type of events are people planning?
Bold’s event is a reception to showcase local artists who have created artwork about the pipeline. Landowners and advocates will tell their stories and talk about how you can help stop the pipeline. Bold will also be taking registrations for an “art scavenger hunt” for later in August (because we went looking for BOLD politicians and instead found great art)!
Other ideas include poetry readings, bar events with oil and water-themed drinks, a march to Governor’s mansion, flash mobs, candlelight vigils, manicure art that says “no pipeline,” screenings of documentaries about pipeline. There are tons of ideas, and it is 100% up to you to decide what event you and your friends will plan for August 5, 6 or 7.
You don’t need a lot of money or resources to plan an event, just enthusiasm and some creativity!
What next?
Fill out this form to let us know you are planning an event. Then start meeting with your friends about dividing up tasks to get the event planned, things like reserving a space, buying supplies, etc.
Citizens make change happen, and they do it in the streets, in homes, in coffee shops and everywhere people congregate. Help us make the first weekend in Aug. a huge success by starting to plan your event today!