“TransCanada has no approved route in Nebraska… the pipeline project is at a standstill in this state,” stated David Domina, attorney for landowners who sued over the process that granted eminent domain authority to TransCanada for routing its proposed Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska.

“Citizens won today. We beat a corrupt bill that Gov. Heineman and the Nebraska Legislature passed in order to pave the way for a foreign corporation to run roughshod over American landowners,” said Bold Nebraska director Jane Kleeb.

On Feb. 19, Nebraska District Court Judge Stephanie Stacy ruled that LB 1161 is unconstitutional; the law fast-tracked approval of the Keystone XL pipeline route in Nebraska, and wrested the power of eminent domain from the Public Service Commission — as designated under the state’s constitution — and gave it to Gov. Dave Heineman, who gave KXL the green light. 

We’re excited to welcome Ed and his crew to Nebraska on Friday, where he’ll get the chance to interview none other than Randy “Stand With Randy” Thompson, one of the landowner-plaintiffs in the case that scored a victory against Keystone XL on Wednesday. Watch the clip below for Ed’s coverage of the Nebraska court ruling tossing out the pipeline route in Nebraska:

Come out to the Build Our Energy barn on Friday morning and help us give Ed a Cornhusker State, Pipeline Fighter welcome!