(Originally posted at Nebraska Appleseed)
LB 577, the bill that would extend Medicaid coverage, would help 54,000 uninsured, working Nebraskans get access to health care. It would provide security to our rural hospitals, our working families, and our veterans. It is beneficial to our economy, returning $2.3 billion to our state. And it would save an estimated 500 lives every year.
However, a small group of opponents of the bill will not allow LB 577 to come to a vote in the Legislature. Senators need to hear from you! This issue is too important not to receive a vote this year!
Wednesday is a day of action on LB 577. Please contact your senator today!
Stand with 54,000 uninsured Nebraskans. They deserve a vote.
Stand with our rural hospitals. They deserve a vote.
Stand with working families. They deserve a vote.
Stand with the 500 lives the Medicaid expansion will save each year. They deserve a vote.
Stand with the people in your life and the hospitals and businesses in your community that could be helped by LB 577.
Contact your senator and tell them LB 577 needs to come to a vote. The message can be quick and simple. Just tell them who you are, where you live, and that LB 577 deserves a vote.
Follow Appleseed on Twitter and on Facebook today to see how you can take action further to help LB 577 get an up-or-down vote in the Legislature.
Thank you for all you have done so far! We are so close. Your voice can make all the difference!
Click here to find your state senator online
Sen. Greg Adams (402) 471-2756
Sen. Brad Ashford (402) 471-2622
Sen. Bill Avery (402) 471-2633
Sen. Dave Bloomfield (402) 471-2716
Sen. Kate Bolz (402) 471-2734
Sen. Lydia Brasch (402) 471-2728
Sen. Kathy Campbell (402) 471-2731
Sen. Tom Carlson (402) 471-2732
Sen. Ernie Chambers (402) 471-2612
Sen. Mark Christensen (402) 471-2805
Sen. Colby Coash (402) 471-2632
Sen. Danielle Conrad (402) 471-2720
Sen. Tanya Cook (402) 471-2727
Sen. Sue Crawford (402) 471-2615
Sen. Al Davis (402) 471-2628
Sen. Annette Dubas (402) 471-2630
Sen. Mike Gloor (402) 471-2617
Sen. Ken Haar (402) 471-2673
Sen. Galen Hadley (402) 471-2726
Sen. Tom Hansen (402) 471-2729
Sen. John Harms (402) 471-2802
Sen. Burke Harr (402) 471-2722
Sen. Sara Howard (402) 471-2723
Sen. Charlie Janssen (402) 471-2625
Sen. Jerry Johnson (402) 471-2719
Sen. Russ Karpisek (402) 471-2711
Sen. Bill Kintner (402) 471-2613
Sen. Rick Kolowski (402) 471-2327
Sen. Bob Krist (402) 471-2718
Sen. Tyson Larson (402) 471-2801
Sen. Steve Lathrop (402) 471-2623
Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh (402) 471-2618
Sen. Beau McCoy (402) 471-2885
Sen. Amanda McGill (402) 471-2610
Sen. Heath Mello (402) 471-2710
Sen. John Murante (402) 471-2725
Sen. John Nelson (402) 471-2714
Sen. Jeremy Nordquist (402) 471-2721
Sen. Pete Pirsch (402) 471-2621
Sen. Scott Price (402) 471-2627
Sen. Jim Scheer (402) 471-2929
Sen. Ken Schilz (402) 471-2616
Sen. Paul Schumacher (402) 471-2715
Sen. Les Seiler (402) 471-2712
Sen. Jim Smith (402) 471-2730
Sen. Kate Sullivan (402) 471-2631
Sen. Norm Wallman (402) 471-2620
Sen. Dan Watermeier (402) 471-2733
Sen. John Wightman (402) 471-2642