SIGN: I pledge to join fellow U.S. taxpayers and Pipeline Fighters in the streets to protest TransCanada’s $15 billion NAFTA lawsuit claim for “lost revenues” over its rejected Keystone XL tarsands export pipeline project.
In our country, TransCanada sued every single one of us for $15 billion on Friday. (1)
Under our bad international trade deal (NAFTA), TransCanada is suing all U.S. taxpayers for “lost revenue” due to President Obama’s rightful rejection of the company’s risky, export pipeline that used eminent domain to take farmers’ and ranchers’ land, and bought off politicians to try to garner support for an unnecessary, climate-wrecking, water-polluting project.
Under the secret court systems set up under trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP, citizens do not even get to engage in the legal process. In this case, TransCanada gets to have their $15 billion claim heard behind closed doors, and even pick one of the three judges who will decide the case.
Trade deals like NAFTA and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are bad for farmers, ranchers, Indigenous Nations, and religious communities — and these trade deals are bad for all of our water and property rights.
NAFTA, just like the TPP, allows big corporations to sue the American people when our government does the right thing to protect our land and water.
We stand with Pres. Obama as he fights to protect the right decision made by rejecting Keystone XL.
We will not let the hard work of citizens and landowners to stop the Keystone XL pipeline get steamrolled by TransCanada, a big bully.
TransCanada lost, and we will not let them squeeze $15 billion of our families’ tax dollars.
Pledge to join us in the streets to rally against TransCanada’s shady NAFTA lawsuit over the rejected Keystone XL pipeline.
SIGN: I pledge to join fellow U.S. taxpayers and Pipeline Fighters in the streets to protest TransCanada’s $15 billion NAFTA lawsuit claim for “lost revenues” over its rejected Keystone XL tarsands export pipeline project.
1. “Environmental, Landowner Groups Respond to TransCanada’s Filing of NAFTA Suit Over Keystone XL Rejection,”, 6/27/16.