Today the Nebraska Sierra Club and Bold Nebraska released a poll that shows wide opposition to fracking waste–77% of Nebraskans are opposed to fracking waste and 88% believe we should have the proper laws in place.
The Oil and Gas Commission–a body that is not elected and is appointed by Gov. Ricketts–has a mission to both promote and regulate oil and gas (and now fracking waste). You simply can not regulate on the one hand and promote on the other without having a clear conflict of interest.
Nebraska has no laws in place to protect our land, water and public health from fracking waste. State Senators, public health officials, landowners, environmental groups, citizen advocacy groups and the Oglala Sioux Nation are all united in their clear statements on fracking waste. Every single one of these groups of people all asked for the permit to be rejected or at the very least be put on hold until proper scientific studies can be completed and proper laws put in place.
Today’s poll shows Nebraskans are strongly in favor of putting the proper laws in place while also opposing injecting this toxic fracking waste in our water and land.