- WHAT Stand with Nebraska landowners at the Nebraska Supreme Court
- WHEN Tuesday, January 9th at 9:00 a.m.
- WHERE Nebraska State Capitol, 1445 K St, Lincoln, NE
- RSVP Share the Facebook event
Oral Arguments will be heard on Tuesday at the Nebraska Supreme Court in the cases of Nebraska landowners who are continuing to challenge TransCanada over eminent domain claims made in 2015.
TransCanada initiated eminent domain proceedings to acquire landowners’ property, but voluntarily dismissed the proceedings in 2015. The landowners filed motions requesting awards of attorney fees and costs. The county court granted the motions and awarded attorney fees and costs. Keystone appealed to the district court. The district court reversed the award and remanded the cases back to the county court for further proceedings. Keystone appealed and these appeals were moved to the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Around 40 families’ cases will be heard by the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Landowners’ attorneys believe this may be the first time in Nebraska history that this many related appeals will be heard at the same time.
Members of the public are invited to attend, but neither landowner-plaintiffs nor members of the public may participate in any way, and plaintiffs are *not* required to attend.