Category: Events

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Oct. 26: Solar Tour of Omaha

Mark Hefflinger
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You are cordially invited to a tour of six solar installation sites in Omaha on Saturday, October 26, 2013.   WHAT: Solar Tour of Omaha WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013, 9:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. WHERE: Tour begins at Creighton University’s Cuming Street Parking Lot Solar Array (on Cuming between N 25th Ave & 27th […]
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Invite Your County Officials to Pipeline Safety Training

Jane Kleeb
Experts on pipelines are coming to Nebraska in August to hold a training for county officials. The training is intended for county commissioners, zoning board members, county attorneys, emergency management staff and other interested local officials, but also will be open to the public. We are proud to announce Carl Weimer with the Pipeline Safety […]
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Rep. Lee Terry Presented With #1 Climate Denier Award

Mark Hefflinger
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Nebraska’s top climate denier and head cheerleader for the Keystone XL pipeline, Congressman Lee “Tarsands” Terry, was presented with an award acknowledging his achievement as the state’s “#1 Climate Denier” at his district office in Omaha this morning. Because denying that humans are causing climate change is like believing in unicorns. The fanfare-filled ceremony — featuring the […]
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Pres. Obama Comments on KXL, What You Can Do

Jane Kleeb
Over the weekend while over 200 Nebraskans said “I Will” take action on climate, President Obama told the NY Times that the Keystone XL pipeline is not an economic driver, severely undercutting the main argument TransCanada and all their paid foreign oil lobbyists pushed for the past four years. President Obama is standing up to foreign oil interests and […]
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Pies Against the Pipeline: Host a Bakesale to Build Our Energy

Bold Nebraska
Want to help with the Build Our Energy project but don’t think you will be able to make it to the actual barn-raising? Help raise money for the project while enjoying an American tradition—hold a “Pies Against the Pipeline” lemonade stand with baked goods. Our tarsands-free Ogallala Aquifer has the perfect water for making the […]
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Aug. 23: Pipeline Training for County Officials

Bold Nebraska
Pipeline Training for County Commissioners, County Zoning Board & Attorneys Focus on Zoning, Haul Agreements, Local Oil Spill Response Plans August 23, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | York City Auditorium, York, Nebraska PRESENTERS: Carl Weimer, Pipeline Safety Trust Carl Weimer is the Executive Director ofthe national Pipeline Safety Trust. He also serves on the Governor […]
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Nebraska Joins President Obama’s Call to Climate Action

Mark Hefflinger
On Tuesday, June 25, Pres. Obama laid out his administration’s Climate Action Plan in a speech delivered at Georgetown University. Reactions from Nebraska groups to the President’s climate agenda are outlined below, with quotes from groups including Bold Nebraska, Nebraska Sierra Club, Nebraska Farmers Union, Nebraska Wildlife Federation and the League of Women Voters of […]
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